Thankfully the puppy chow turned out well. I didn't know if it was going to turn out at all with all the "drama" that took place the night we made it! Either Preston thinks I really don't have a clue in the kitchen or mom has nerves of steel in her old age. It was a lot tougher cooking with him then I had ever remembered! Like I said though it did turn out and we both lived to tell the tale! Bad thing was that there was none or very little left by the time we got done, so a second batch for home WILL have to be made!!
I also thankfully made through the week from hell at work! By the time I left Sat, I was incrediably sick of people! Fortunately, I had a long drive a head of me as I had a date this weekend. He was a really nice guy and I had a lot of fun!! VERY sweet and caring! We seem to have a lot in common and I think we both like each other, but we are also at very different places in our lives. The good thing is we have decided to continue talking at this point and hopefully go out again. I'm COOL with that!! Way cooler than someone just "kicking" me too the curb and saying "you're a nice girl but...blah, blah, blah..."! Also way cooler then someone just ignoring me after we have gone out! Finally, someone who is decent!!
Preston had gone to church camp this weekend so that was the reason the date was able to happen. I do wish I had been able to go to camp with him, but of course I was finishing up my working weekend!! He didn't think I would have enjoyed it! I'm sure he had more fun then he is letting on. That is ususally the way it works with him!
No extra puppy chow? ::sad Dawn face::
::hugs you:: Glad the cooking went well.
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