Saturday, September 13, 2008

Update for Sept

I just finished reading my friend Dawn's blog and thought I should probably post since it's again been awhile. I was going to write about a (STUPID) conversation I had the other day with a gal, but I think I'm tired enough for it to not make sense if I try and write it at the moment. Guess I'll save it for a future blog.
I'm working at a different school this year and LOVING it! I have "graduated" to 1st grade and Kindergarten....figure that one out! I'm soooo glad school has started again. I think summer was started to make me a very moody girl!
I am going to be bowling out of town this year, which I have done before. Our bowling alley is closed again, so the team I bowl with is bowling out of town again. Should be fun, unfortunately, I know I'm going to miss several times which stinks!
Things with my son are (CAUTIOUSLY) better or heading in the right direction at this time. Hopefully, they will continue to head that way.

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At 9:24 AM, Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Been thinking about you a lot.


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