Saturday, June 30, 2007

Should have done this Monday

I really needed to get on here the other day and get this done. The adoption is final! Yep, I'm an "official mom"! I've been so excited since Monday. I think we are both so much more relaxed. I know I am as far as knowing everything now is complete. I think P is more relaxed too, knowing that everything is final and he can now forever call this his home. However, who knew adoption would lead to the "tough"! No grace period for me!!...LOL! Oh well, I was ready and we have had some really great conversations this week. Anyway, this has been the best week!! I'm so glad to finally have everything final!


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

That is wonderful news, congratulations Preston and Stacie!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Hey there. Finally found your blog addy again to read at my folks'.

Congratulations again!


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